17+ BEST Arugula Health Benefits For Hair And Skin
Arugula, a green leafy plant, has a variety of benefits and is an ancient plant which is known for centuries. Benefits ranges from reducing your cancer-risk, improving male sexual potency, bolstering the immune system, assists with weight loss, improving eyesight & fight inflammation, just to mention a few.
What is Arugula?
- 1 What is Arugula?
- 2 Arugula Nutrition Facts
- 3 Arugula Nutrition
- 4 Arugula Nutrition & Diet
- 5 Arugula Health Benefits
- 6 Arugula History
- 7 Arugula Side Effects
- 8 Growing Arugula
- 9 Arugula Benefits For Hair
- 10 Arugula Benefits For Skin
- 11 Arugula vs Spinach
- 12 Arugula Recipes
- 13 Reasons To Avoid Consuming Arugula
- 14 Buying And Storing Arugula
- 15 Studies Conducted On Arugula
Arugula belongs to the species Eruca and is a kind of Brassicaceae and connected to cauliflower, kale and radishes. In other regions of the world, it is also known as roquette, garden rocket, colewort & rucola.
Arugula is a small spicy leaf which tastes bitter to some, whilst others experience it to have a mustard-peppery flavour. This highly nutritious green plant grows to an approximate height of 20 to 100 centimetres.
Arugula has small, white flowers and is easy recognizable. Although this leafy green plant is grown for commercial purposes, wild varieties of Arugula are growing in various regions worldwide. However, Arugula is principally consumed in Europe, North Africa & the Americas.
Arugula resembles the look of a fancy kind of lettuce and has a variety of amazing health benefits, for frequent eaters of this veggie.
Arugula Nutrition Facts
Arugula contains tremendous nutritional value, whilst optimally consuming this leafy green vegetable will result in a healthy body & clear mind.
It consists of high levels of anti-oxidants such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C & Vitamin K as well as folic acid. These are the substances which assist you fighting off free radicals within your body.
Furthermore, it has a rich content of carotenoids and contains crucial minerals such as manganese, calcium, potassium and more.
Consuming these minerals is healthy for your body, whilst it assists you to follow a healthy lifestyle. Arugula is rich in nutrients, whilst it has a low calorie count.
Arugula also contains phytochemicals, which assist in the prevention of cancer. In comparison with other leafy vegetables, Arugula contains lower quantities of oxalates, which enables the body to absorb minerals much easier.
Arugula Nutrition
One cup of fresh arugula has approximately:
5 calories
1 gram fibre
Lesser then 1-gram sugar, protein, carbs or fat.
Vitamin A, 475 milligrams – 10% DV
Vitamin K , 22 milligrams – 28% DV
Vitamin C, 6 milligrams – 4% DV
Folate, 19 milligrams – 4% DV
Manganese, 0.06 milligrams – 4% DV
Calcium, 32 milligrams – 4% DV
According to the ANDI-score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), Arugula is ranking within the top 20-foods. The ANDI-score measures mineral, phytonutrient & mineral content in terms of caloric content.
A food has to supply a high number of nutrients in relation to a small number of calories to achieve a good ANDI score.
Arugula Nutrition & Diet
Typically Arugula is consumed in fresh salads. However, it can also be used in casseroles, pasta & sauces alike other leafy greens.
It provides more flavour to food compared to Swiss chard or spinach.
It is inclined to fry faster than kale & collard greens, due to its tenderness.
Arugula grows easily and is ideal for your little garden in the window-sill; just needing 3-hours sunlight on a daily basis.
Arugula, with its peppery flavour is frequently mixed with milder greens like romaine & watercress; in Italy it is typical to use Arugula on the top of a pizza after baking.
Store the Arugula in your refrigerator, whilst it is advisable to use it soon after purchasing it.
How To Include More Arugula Nutrition on a Daily Basis
1. Use fresh Arugula in scramble eggs or an omelette.
2. Fry it in extra-virgin olive oil, using just a small quantity; seasoning it with freshly-ground black pepper & grated Parmesan cheese. Top it on your baked potato or enjoy it as a side-dish.
3. Blend it into a smoothie or fresh juice.
4. Add it to a sandwich, flatbread or wrap.
Arugula Health Benefits
The Packed minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals in the green leaves of Arugula are highly beneficial for all the people incorporating this amazing leafy vegetable into their daily diet.
Detoxifies The Body
Enzyme reactions are taking place inside our cells, which is regulated by antioxidants, whilst it assist in destroying the free radicals present in the body which are damaging and can result in diseases.
Due to the substantial quantity of antioxidants present in Arugula, it can assist you to live a healthy life.
Antioxidants also protect you against a variety of diseases such as the usual cold, whilst it is boosting your immune system against heart diseases, cancer & premature aging.
Improves Eyesight
Arugula is a good source of Vitamin A, an antioxidant, which is especially good for improving eyesight, whilst improving both teeth & bone health. The eye’s surface is protected by Vitamin A, for example the cornea and therefore an essentiality for good vision.
Combats Cancer
During the last 30 years it was observed that a substantial intake of Arugula, a cruciferous vegetable, can significantly lower your cancer risk, especially colon & lung cancer.
Cruciferous vegetables taste bitter because of sulforaphane (compounds containing sulphur). These compounds provide Arugula with its cancer fighting abilities.
Researchers are now attempting to discover sulforaphane’s beneficial effects in preventing oesophageal, melanoma, pancreatic & prostate cancers. Researchers discovered that sulforaphane can suppress histone deacetylase, an enzyme involved in cancer’s progression.
Bolstering Immune System
The variety of minerals and vitamins contained by Arugula will surely enhance the immune system whilst guarding you against a wide range of illnesses.
Arugula additionally contains copper which assists in increasing the white blood cells; which is your body’s primary defence agents and the protectors against a large number of illness-causing pathogens.
Additionally, Arugula also contains Vitamin C, one of the body’s best defences as it fights against inflammatory free radicals which cause diseases whilst eliminating it from your body.
Boosts Bone Health
Vitamin K, is essential for building healthy & strong bones, whilst delaying the start of osteoporosis and Arugula is rich in this vitamin. Osteo-trophic activity within the cells is catalyzed by Vitamin K, meaning the formation of bones is promoted.
With the commencement of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, it is Vitamin K which slows down the deterioration of the neural passageways. Arugula, containing Vitamin K, can assist to protect you against such diseases.
Combats Diabetes
Alpha-lipoic acid is another antioxidant found in Arugula. This antioxidant’s proven abilities include: increasing insulin sensitivity, lowering glucose levels & preventing oxidative changes caused by stress in diabetic patients.
It also assists to reduce autonomic & peripheral neuropathy in diabetes. Including Arugula in a diabetic diet will be a good idea.
Pre-natal Care
Folates are found in Arugula. It is a classification which has folic acid that reduces incidences of mental deficiencies in infants. Principally folates assist the body to create new cells, thus helping to protect against any abnormality which might afflict an infant. Consuming Arugula is a great choice for pregnant women.
Increasing Mineral Absorption
Arugula assists the body to absorb minerals, due to the fact that Arugula contains a rather low oxalate-level in comparison with other leafy vegetables.
Oxalates repress mineral absorption in the systems of the body. With its low content of oxalate, Arugula assists with the absorption of vital minerals such as iron and copper which are highly effective for your health.
Boosts Metabolism
Arugula assists to boost the body’s metabolic rate. Arugula contains Vitamin B-complex which supports the body’s metabolism process. 8 B-complex vitamins participate and assist dissimilar cell activities such as fat synthesis, energy production, producing red blood cells & promotes a lot of other crucial processes for metabolic and cell health.
Assists with Weight Loss
Consuming Arugula regularly will help you to lose weight, as it is rich in nutrients or vitamins, but low in calories. Thus, providing the body with the needed nourishment, but not adding body weight.
Enhancing Athletic Performance
Arugula is nitrate-rich, which assists with the improvement of muscle oxygenation when exercising. A regular dietary consumption of nitrate promotes exercise resilience during endurance workouts.
The consumption of nitrate assists in improving people’s quality of life finding it troublesome to conduct their daily life activities. Therefore, Arugula may help individuals with respiratory, cardiovascular or metabolic diseases.
Improves Heart Health
Arugula has the ability to improve the health of your blood vessels, functioning as a food with anti-inflammatory qualities which lowers homocysteine and cholesterol levels. The intake of a cruciferous vegetable is known for lowering the risk of overall mortality and heart disease.
A diet rich in high-nutrient, low-calorie vegetables is associated with improved circulation, better blood pressure & a lower risk to suffer a stroke or heart attack.
Vegetables provide vital antioxidants which lowers inflammation, whilst containing important nutrients such as magnesium & potassium which assist to control dietary fibre & heart rhythms, whilst eliminating toxins and cholesterol from the body.
Improves Digestion
Arugula, an alkaline food, alike other leafy greens, helps restoring the optimal pH level of the body. For digestive health it is vital that the pH level is optimal, additionally contributing to a strong immune-system.
Arugula is a food which hydrates that assists in nourishing the digestive tract, whilst aiding with the waste or toxin removal from the digestive system & the blood. Eating leafy greens such as Arugula on a regular basis is a great method to naturally prevent constipation & improving the health of your intestines, colon, gut lining as well as other digestive organs.
Natural Aphrodisiac
The intake of Arugula may boost libido or fertility, although not a lot of research had been done in this regard. Arugula’s qualities as a natural aphrodisiac can be due to its capability in lowering inflammation & supplying antioxidants and trace minerals which can improve circulation.
The phytonutrients of Arugula, alike the majority of vegetables, can assist with detoxing the body, whilst reducing the presence of toxins which decrease libido and can have a negative influence on mood, health & energy levels of the reproductive system.
The ancient Romans prescribing arugula for enhancing sexual arousal were maybe quite right.
Arugula History
This ancient leafy green played a role in literature for centuries, whilst it was first harvested approximately during the 6th century. Arugula was a part of philosophy & poetry and was mentioned in works, varying from Piny the Elder to Virgil!
Arugula is indigenous to the Mediterranean area, where it was consumed for centuries. According to records Arugula salad was eaten in the Middle East & regions of Italy since the 1st century A.D.
A healing salad was served forming a customary part of a Roman meal, prepared with Arugula, chicory, romaine lettuce, lavender & mallow.
Arugula was seen as a food and a medicinal plant. In Turkey, the Mediterranean, Syria & Lebanon within traditional medicinal practices its seeds were utilized for flavouring oils whilst it had a variety of benefits. It works from being a treatment for infertility to improving digestion and skin problems.
In India, the Arugula’s leaves were not eaten; its oil was typically pressed for the production of tarmira which is a medicinal & cosmetic colouring.
Arugula was also mentioned in different religious texts, which include the Bible, in Jewish texts like the Mishna & Talmud dating back centuries.
Arugula Side Effects
It is important to take your total eating plan into consideration to prevent diseases and to accomplish good health. It is healthier to consume a diet which offers a variety instead of concentrating on individual foods.
When you are using blood thinning medication like Coumadin (warfarin), do not suddenly start to consume fewer or more foods which contain Vitamin K, because it has a large effect when it comes to blood clotting.
Vegetable juice, containing nitrate, should be stored in the proper way; bacteria can be accumulated which changes nitrate to nitrite resulting in the contamination of the juice. Consuming high nitrite levels can be potentially damaging.
If you are suffering from cardiovascular disorder or risk factors associated with it, first consult your doctor before you start with a diet high in nitrate.
A diet rich in nitrate may be interacting with some medicines like nitro-glycerine, organic nitrate or nitrite medicines which are used for angina, like tadalafil, sildenafil & vardenafil.
Arugula short-term side effects are flatulence & abdominal discomfort and cramping. The sulforaphne within Arugula is causing these effects.
Growing Arugula
Discover the best Tips To Grow Arugula At Home:
It is perfect to plant Arugula, a cool-weathered crop, during the fall. Whilst it is easy to maintain, soil which is rich in humus with a pH of between 6 – 6.8 will let it thrives.
The best temperature for its seeds to germinate is 40 – 55 degrees Fahrenheit. You can plant Arugula directly into the garden bed. However, avoid planting it in a place where you have just lately harvested a crop belonging to the cabbage species. Plant Arugula beside lettuce & peas where it will grow fine.
Plant your Arugula seeds about one-fourth of an inch deep and one inch apart into the soil. Rows should be 3 inches or more apart. The seedlings will sprout after 10-14 days.
Watch Video: How to Grow Arugula?
Arugula Benefits For Hair
Using Arugula oil for your hair will give you the following results:
Stop hair loss
Provides ideal hair nutrition
Stimulating hair growth
Strengthening roots and enhancing curls
Excellent for dry hair
Restoring hair after chemicals, staining & the sun
Gets rid of dry dandruff
Arugula oil is great to use for your hair as a home treatment. Doctors advise you to consume the oil simultaneously with a mask for your hair. Vitamins and macro elements are provided to the hair and result in thicker, healthier & stronger hair.
When you are suffering from hair loss, you should drink Arugula oil daily or alternatively you can add two tablespoons of Arugula oil in your salads. Rub it in to the roots of your hair and leaving it over night. For dry hair use Arugula oil on a daily basis for treatments.
Nature gives us an affordable and easy opportunity with all the benefits of Arugula even taking care of our hair ailments.
Arugula Benefits For Skin
The extract of the Arugula leafy green is acknowledged to be effective when it comes to treating or preventing skin disorders as claimed by traditional medicine practices in the Middle East. It is believed that the oils of the Arugula can be preventative to inflammatory skin disorders & a natural treatment for psoriasis and eczema
Consuming the Arugula plant’s raw leaves can provide protection against the UV rays of the sun which causes damage whilst it will be slowing down the signs of an aging skin; due to its antioxidants which fight against cell proliferation & protecting the elasticity, appearance & immunity of the skin.
Arugula vs Spinach
Many people want to know what the difference is between these two leafy greens, have the most benefits or which one is the healthiest.
The scientific name for Arugula is Eruca sativa, indigenous to the Mediterranean area. It is also known as garden rocket, rocket, eruca & rocket salad.
Its popularity or availability is not determined in the USA. However, it is available in certain Northern Virginia stores.
Spinach’s scientific name is Spinacia oleracea, and is indigenous to southwest & central Asia. However, after the outbreak of e.coli in 2006 and salmonella in 2007, spinach is extensively grown within the USA.
The leaves of spinach are thicker, heavier and denser compared to the Arugula’s leaves, whilst it has a darker colour. In 100 grams, spinach at 3.5 cups versus 5 cups of Arugula fills less volume.
However, the calorie, fibre & protein content of the two vegetables are the same, whilst the minerals & vitamins tip the scale in favour of spinach, with the exclusion of calcium. Spinach contains more potassium, folate, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin A, K & C.
The darker the vegetable’s colour, the more healthy it is. However, Arugula is still very healthy and taste will be the decisive factor. You can also mix both vegetables in salads, whilst it is great using it in pasta dishes.
However, spinach may cause diarrhoea for certain people. Tyramine, a natural food chemical, is found in spinach. When a person has sensitivity to tyramine or spinach, it’s a better option to stay with other greens such as kale, Arugula or lettuce. Furthermore, spinach contains oxalates which can cause interference when certain nutrients are absorbed.
The conclusion: spinach is a little healthier as far it doesn’t lead to any side effects of the digestive system.
Arugula Recipes
Arugula is delicious whether it is raw or cooked, whilst there are a lot of methods of adding Arugula to your already enjoyable recipes. The leafy greens can also be chopped and used in dishes replacing cilantro or parsley.
Wilted Arugula can be added to pastas, wraps, soups, sandwiches or whole grain side dishes. Arugula’s flavour compliment balsamic vinaigrette, goat cheese, olive oil, tomatoes & garlic.
For this reason it is often blended into spreads or dips similar to pesto. Use Arugula as a substitute for spinach or watercress in your favourite dishes for texture and the same peppery taste.
Raw Arugula is typically added to pizzas in Italy or for cavatiéddi, a pasta dish which needs wilted Arugula together with pecorino cheese & tomato sauce.
It can also be used for the infusion of olive oil in combination with garlic, creating a seasoning which is healthy for the heart to use for fish & cold meats. In Slovenia, Arugula is cooked with potatoes, served with cheese or used in soup.
Salad Recipe – Beet & Goat Cheese
This salad recipe using Arugula can be a great side dish to a meal or just a delicious snack.
Serves 4 – Time: 15 minutes
Raw chevre or goat cheese
8-cups organic Arugula
Coconut oil – ¼ cup
Coconut kefir – 1/8 cup
Lemon juice – ½ cup
1 tablespoon honey
Black pepper & sea salt to taste
– Cook the beets up to the time a fork easily prick it
– Mix all the salad ingredients together
– For the dressing combine all the ingredients, using a separate bowl and then dress the salad.
Arugula Pesto Recipe: Dairy Free & Healthy
In this delicious recipe walnuts are used, replacing the expensive pine nuts. Generally, cheese is also an ingredient in a pesto recipe. However in this one there is no cheese, whilst it has a great cheesy flavour due to the use of Nutritional Yeast.
– 2 Cups arugula
– 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
– Walnuts – 2/3 cup & 1 tablespoon
– Himalayan salt – ¼ tablespoon
– Extra Virgin Olive-oil – ½ cup
– Nutritional yeast – 2 tablespoons
Place the above-mentioned ingredients into a blender and blend it, without the nutritional yeast & 1 tablespoon walnuts. Blend it until all is creamy & smooth.
Place the mixture into a bowl; now mix in walnuts & yeast
Pour over steamed vegetables / raw zucchini noodles / using as a dip.
Arugula has a lot of detox & health benefits which can be used for weight loss & detox.
Try to add fresh, chopped Arugula to the under-mentioned healthy salad recipes
Tangy Bean Salad
Broccoli Salad
Egg & Tahini Salad
Balsamic Peaches & Goat Cheese Salad
Reasons To Avoid Consuming Arugula
Arugula does not cause reactions or side effects, or is known as a common allergen in the majority of people. Due to the fact that it is a low-sugar, low-calorie vegetable, it’s rather impossible to over indulge in these greens.
Arugula, a cruciferous vegetable, containing a low content of chemical compounds which have the potential to interfere with the functioning of the thyroid, as other vegetables can do when consumed in large quantities. There exists a very low risk to eat more Arugula, whatever the level of your health is.
Buying And Storing Arugula
The most excellent Arugula is crisp & fresh, especially at its stem (The Encyclopaedia of Healing Foods). Choose the plants with the dark green leaves, it should not be yellow. Don’t buy Arugula with wilted leaves, having brown or yellow edges or with slimy spots.
After purchasing, place your Arugula in a moist & cool area. You can also wrap its roots with a damp paper-towel. Now put the whole plant inside a plastic bag, which will keep it in a fresh condition for one or two days.
You can also place it upright within a glass filled with water. Then take a plastic bag and cover the leaves, after which you store it in your refrigerator. Refrain from storing Arugula next to apples, bananas or pears, which will cause faster decay to its leaves.
Studies Conducted On Arugula
A team of researchers studied Arugula’s natural health benefits. They discovered that Arugula can be linked to fighting gastrointestinal ulcers; probably by the abundance of antioxidants it has. Other studies associated cruciferous vegetables such as Arugula having a protective effect where colorectal; lung & other cancers are concerned.
Arugula was listed by the Global Healing-Centre, being a leafy green vegetable which contains cleansing qualities to neutralize the poisoning reactions caused by heavy metals within the system, especially inside the liver. It is also acknowledged that Arugula may be able to eliminate herbicides & pesticides from the body.
Watch More: Arugula – Plant, Care, and Harvest