17 Amazing Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair And Skin
Coconut oil health benefits have a long list, but it is the most important thing for your hairs and skin care. It also increases energy levels, improving your skin, cure from viruses, bacteria, and other harmful elements. Coconut oil also balances your body hormone, stimulate the body immune system and manage diabetes.
Other benefits include enhancing bone health, support to lose weight, boosting HDL cholesterol, reducing stress, resist constipation, and improving dental health. The oil is easily available all around the world now. It is obtained in raw condition by tropical countries, and then companies refine it.
Health Nutritionists are discovering more amazing coconut oil benefits for humans around the world. Because of its benefits, Coconut oil getting popular to cure you from many diseases and it also take care of your health and beauty.
Coconut oil is the source of healthy fats. It contains almost 90% of saturated fats, in which small portions have a big impact on our health and beauty. It is rich in vitamin E, which is called the vitamin of youth, as it works as anti-aging and cell degeneration. You can keep the young appearance longer.
Coconut oil can be used for the care of nails, the skin of the body, hands, and feet. Coconut oil is suitable for different massages. It improves the therapeutic effect and relaxes the muscles. The skin after such massage sessions becomes velvety, smooth and soft. It is also good to use the product for anti-cellulite massages.
Effectively coconut oil from stretch marks, but only those that have appeared recently. It must be applied to problem areas and intensively massaged. You can also use coconut oil for cooking different meals. Further, we will discuss about its usage and methods to use.
Coconut Oil Nutrition
- 1 Coconut Oil Nutrition
- 2 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil
- 3 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
- 4 Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin
- 5 How to use Coconut Oil For Skin
- 6 Coconut Oil Benefits For Hair
- 7 Coconut Oil For Hair
- 8 How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth
- 9 How To Eat Coconut Oil?
- 10 How to use Coconut Oil For cooking?
- 11 Coconut Oil Good or Bad?
- 12 Coconut Oil Benefits and Side Effects
- 13 How much Coconut Oil can be consumed per day?
The main constituent of coconut oil are polyunsaturated fatty acids, recognized by scientists as vital to humans. Since they are not synthesized by the body, they can be obtained only from the outside. Coconut oil is one of the best sources of these substances. It contains fatty acids:
Myristic Acid
Myristic fatty acid promotes better penetration of cosmetic ingredients into the skin and plays an important role in stabilizing proteins used by the immune system.
Lauric Acid
Lauric Acid content in coconut oil exceeds 50%, in the human body is converted to monolaurin – a substance that is very effective in combating various pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, lauric acid helps accelerate the healing of skin lesions and activates skin regeneration.
Oleic Acid
The oleic acid included in the composition of coconut oil promotes skin moisture preservation and restoration of barrier functions of the epidermis, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.
Caprylic Acid
Caprylic acid contained in coconut oil has a pronounced fungicidal property, helps restore the acid-base balance of the skin and improves skin oxygen saturation.
• Linolenic
• Arachidonic
• Stearic
• Capric acid
In addition, the product can boast of calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamin A , C and E, which are valuable substances that preserve beauty and youth.
Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil
We will briefly discuss the benefits of coconut oil with the nutrition facts.
Increase Energy Levels
Coconut oil is usually used by athletes, weight-lifters, dieting people, people who are weak, people who work hard daily. It contains fewer calories than different oils, its fat substance can surely be changed over into energy. It helps to increase your energy and improves the performance of bodybuilders and athletes. Coconut Oil includes magnesium and calcium which makes your bones strong and helps you to get a stronger body. It is also very important for women who are suffering from Osteoporosis. With the help of numerous components in it, Coconut oil helps you to get more stamina and good health. This effect of coconut oil is associated with a high concentration of calcium and phosphorus in it, hyaluronic acid (which is the basis of the interarticular fluid) and is due to the ability of this plant product to increase the efficiency of calcium and magnesium absorption necessary for the formation of bone tissue, tooth enamel and dentin.
Influences Blood
Also, in it, you will find vitamin K, which perfectly influences blood, improves its coagulability and inhibits bleeding. Coconut oil also contains iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, folic acid and B vitamins. The amount of each component depends on the quality of the oil and the production process. Coconut oil has a high content of lauric fatty acid – a substance that is also a component of human breast milk and helps to strengthen the immunity of a newborn baby.
Benefits of Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
People who try to lose weight, it is recommended to use coconut oil. This is since it includes a unique group of fats – triglycerides. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they do not turn into fat but immediately converted into energy. Food, cooked in coconut oil, accelerates metabolism. It is also an ideal product for people who train intensively. Fat turns immediately into energy, which is required during training. However, Coconut oil is very energetic. 100 g of the product contains up to 860 kcal. Therefore, balance is very important – Doctors and Nutritionists recommend only 30 g (about 2 tablespoons) of oil per day. Such a volume will perfectly affect your health and your weight will please you.
Separately, it is worth noting the ability of the product to influence weight. Its regular use increases the consumption of calories, which leads to a decrease in weight. Oil reduces the feeling of hunger and speeds up the metabolism.
Reducing the weight with the oil can be possible if you replace all other fats: animal and vegetable in the diet. Its use does not lead to the deposition of fats, but it can provide the body with the necessary fat for normal work. Begin the use of the product is recommended with a tablespoon a day. Gradually, its amount can be brought to three spoons, but no more.
Boosting HDL Cholesterol
Scientists confirm the wonderful influence of coconut oil on our health. Much better than other oils. It was noted that the use of coconut oil can reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol in favor of “good” – HDL. And, consequently, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Using coconut oil will protect you from diabetes. This is because our body accelerates the production of insulin, and the sugar level is stabilized. Included in the composition of coconut oil, vitamin E also reduces the increased blood viscosity and strengthens the walls of the arteries, thereby preventing the formation of blood vessels in blood clots.
Helps The Digestive System
Activating healing of damaged mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, coconut oil is a particularly useful product in the diet of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Lauric acid, contained in coconut oil, exhibits high antibacterial activity and is very effective in fighting the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which is the causative agent of such diseases as gastritis, gastroduodenitis.
Coconut Oil will Protect you from Diabetes
Coconut oil improves the natural production of the pancreas of insulin, activates and speeds up metabolic processes, helps restore normal blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus.
Coconut Oil as a Beauty Product
Coconut oil is in demand in the field of cosmetology. It is used to make creams, soaps, mousses and shampoos, balms. It has a good effect on the nail plates, hair, skin and face. The product can be used to care for yourself or to solve problems with appearance. Coconut oil is a natural product. The oil is made without the use of fragrances, fragrances, thickeners, dyes, and other chemicals. All the useful properties of coconut oil are laid in it by nature itself, so it does not need artificial and often harmful additives.
Properties of coconut oil are provided by the following substances:
• Lauric acid provides antibacterial action.
• Coconut oil contains at least 50% of this natural component.
• Hyaluronic acid – creates a moist environment on the surface of the skin.
• Triglycerides of saturated fatty acids allow the oil to quickly absorb into the skin.
• Also, the composition of the oil includes palmitic, caprylic, oleic, capric, stearic, linolenic, arachidonic, capric acid.
Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin
Coconut oil is best for daily care for dry, irritated, inflamed, rough, mature or fading skin and face (including coconut oil can be used as part of delicate care for sensitive skin around the eyes, behind the delicate skin of the bust). The use of coconut oil for the care of the problem or oily skin is not recommended. Often recommend coconut oil for wrinkles. Regular rubbing of the product will help reduce their depth, as well as soften, increase the elasticity, tone, and elasticity of the skin. The product has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It normalizes digestion and has a softening effect.
For skincare, it is recommended to use only refined coconut oil, adding it in a small amount to the finished cosmetic preparations (in the skin care products, the proportion of coconut oil should not exceed 10%, and skin care products the optimal content of coconut oil – 30 % of the total mass of the cosmetic product).
Coconut oil has several effects on your skin:
• slows the formation of wrinkles.
• moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin.
• has anti-inflammatory effect.
• reduces protein loss during washing.
• protects the skin from destructive external factors (hard ultraviolet, bacteria, viruses, air pollution, dust, etc.).
• nourishes and moisturizes the skin after epilation.
• promotes an even, tropical tan
• permanently moisturizes the skin
• does not allow your skin to dry out
• prevents premature wrinkles
• quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy shine
• hypoallergenic
• soft rubbing into the skin after sunburn, soften skin, reduce burning sensation if you get burnt
Many ladies replace coconut oil with lotions for the body because it perfectly moisturizes and regenerates the skin. It is an excellent product for people with very dry and sensitive skin. It is also worth noting that the oil has antibacterial properties. The acids contained in it, accelerate the healing of wounds and relieve inflammation. Useful properties of coconut oil are due to its composition, the main percentage of which are hyaluronic, lauric, myristic, and other saturated fatty acids. It is thanks to these acids that the oil has a firm consistency, but it is absorbed very quickly into the skin.
The benefit of coconut oil is also in its ability to help in the treatment of many skin diseases. It has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows it to be used to combat fungal lesions of the skin, hair, and nails, with dermatophytosis and mycosis. It is able to relieve the oil and from diseases caused by Candida fungus, dermatitis, and eczema. It can also be used as an auxiliary in the treatment of lichen, even the ringworm.
The use of coconut oil for the face makes it possible in seconds to soften and smooth the skin, giving it a smooth and velvety look. The use of coconut oil helps to maintain the health and beauty of any skin type but is especially recommended for dry, flaky, coarsened, and fading skin. The fact that this oil has excellent nutritional, softening and moisturizing properties, and after its application forms a kind of invisible film on the skin that performs protective functions, and for a long time maintains the optimum moisture balance in the skin.
Using coconut oil for the face, you can eliminate excessive dryness and flaking of the skin in the shortest possible time, protect it from coarsening and cracking. In addition, coconut oil helps to significantly smooth out the skin, and the superficial wrinkles on it, increase the overall tone, elasticity, and elasticity of the skin, which makes it an ideal tool for caring for already sluggish, limp and aging skin. You can also use coconut oil for the face, lubricating them only the most problematic areas of the skin (peeling, coarsening, inflammation, irritation, etc.).
Coconut oil with stretch marks:
Coconut oil is not a professional remedy for stretch marks on the skin (since it is completely natural, without adding any chemical ingredients), but it can be used as a preventative. Coconut oil contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. Due to the ability of this vitamin to protect cell membranes and prevent their oxidation. This vitamin, when applied to the skin, protects skin cells from degeneration, therefore among other things, it is used in the treatment of stretch marks. The property of coconut oil, as a remarkable moisturizer, also positively influences the solution to this problem. It helps skin to retain moisture and restore the protective functions of the epidermis, protects the skin from drying and peeling, helps restore the normal acid-base balance of the skin. From drying and peeling, the skin is protected by such water-retaining components of coconut oil as vitamin E, hyaluronic, caprylic, oleic acids. With the cosmetic application, coconut oil creates a protective layer on the skin that maintains the optimal water balance of the skin.
How to use Coconut Oil For Skin
If you for any reason does not fit the application of coconut oil in its pure form, you can mix it with other natural vegetable oils, or with ready-made cosmetic creams. To find the most suitable oils for your skin, read the descriptions of each of them first. The proportions of the mixtures can be unlimited, but usually, one part of the coconut oil is used for 2-3 parts of another used oil. Well, to stir them, coconut oil must first be melt in a water bath to a liquid state, and afterward, add another oil. The mixture should be immediately stirred and poured into a pre-prepared jar. Such an oil preparation prepared at home can again be used as a face cream and for the skin around the eyes, for facial and neck massage, or simply as masks, applying an oily composition to the face for 20-30 minutes.
• As an alternative to lotion. Apply to damp skin immediately after shower.
• As an alternative to cream – to nourish and moisturize the skin.
• As a tanning agent – it makes tan even, while preventing dehydration and dry skin.
• As an emollient and soothing remedy after epilation, manicure, pedicure, shaving.
• Makes skin smooth and smooth.
Coconut Oil Benefits For Hair
Coconut oil can also be used for hair. This is a very popular procedure recently for the care of the scalp. It restores them, moisturizes them and promotes that they become beautiful, shinier and simply healthy.
Coconut oil is also an excellent natural regenerating agent for the care of damaged, split, thinned, dull, brittle or frequently colored hair. For hair care use both refined, unrefined coconut oil in pure undiluted form or as an additive to shampoos, hair masks, balms and hair conditioners. In the composition of hair masks, it is preferable to use refined coconut oil. Unrefined coconut oil is best used only for care for the treatment of the ends of split hair (if unrefined oil hair is processed along with their entire length, it is desirable to avoid applying coconut oil to the scalp due to the gumminess of this product).
Coconut Oil For Hair
• improves the appearance;
• gives shine and smoothness;
• increases elasticity and softness;
• strengthens bulbs and prevents loss;
• restores;
• reduces brittleness;
• protects from external influences;
• Seals the tips;
• relieves of dandruff.
Coconut oil helps to maintain the color saturation of colored hair, nourishes and moisturizes the scalp. It activates hair growth and prevents hair loss, promotes hair structure restoration and prevents hair cutting at the tips. Also, due to pronounced antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, it is an effective tool in the fight against dandruff. With the constant cosmetic application of coconut oil, the hair becomes strong, shiny, silky and obedient. The coconut oil, which is easily washed off from the hair with shampoo, when applied to the hair, creates a protective film that prevents washing out of the protein from the hair structure. For hair care products can be used without additional components. If a little oil is rubbed into curly hair, it will facilitate their packing.
Watch Video: Top 30 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil
How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth
To improve the condition of the ringlets, it is enough to apply oil to strands and scalp for 30 minutes, and then to wash off using a normal shampoo. Rub a warm liquid with gentle massage movements. It also protects the hair from over-drying with a hairdryer, from the harmful effect of frequent washing, staining, and frequent chemical waves. And from mechanical damage during combing, excessive exposure to sunlight, salt water and sea wind (coconut oil is recommended to apply on hair before taking sun or sea baths).
How To Eat Coconut Oil?
• Daily morning mouthwashes 1 tablespoon oil, rinse mouth for 15-20 minutes will help to strengthen immunity, improve the skin condition, get rid of bad breath, diseases of the teeth and mouth. After cleaning the teeth before going to bed it is also useful for 15-20 minutes to rinse your mouth with coconut oil.
• To improve digestion and cleanse the intestines, you can drink a mixture of warm boiled water with pre-melted coconut oil (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons).
• To get rid of excess weight and prevent obesity, it is recommended before each meal to drink 1 glass of warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil.
How to use Coconut Oil For cooking?
Coconut oil has long been and traditionally finds wide application in the national cuisine of Southeast Asian countries. In Asian cooking, coconut oil is filled with salads from fresh vegetables, and this natural product is used to make popcorn, meat, shrimp, rice and vegetable dishes with curry and other oriental spices. Coconut oil does not lose its palatability and useful properties when heated to a high temperature. So, that’s why it can be used for frying and cooking deep-fried dishes, presenting a worthy alternative to a cholesterol-rich and health-damaging butter. coconut oil is best suited for the preparation of sweet pastries, cheesecakes and curd casseroles, desserts, pancakes with curd and fruit filling. Not inferior to the nutritional value of cream butter, coconut oil is also recommended to spread on toasts, add to cereals, milk soups, and milkshakes, coffee, hot chocolate, various dishes for baby food.
Coconut Oil Good or Bad?
Coconut oil can be called a universal product, as it is used in many areas – cosmetology, cooking, medicine and even in the household. It is used for polishing wooden furniture. The product is extracted from coconuts, or rather from their pulp, which is called copra. Like most oils, coconut is produced in two ways – hot or cold pressing.
The oil produced by hot pressing partially loses useful components. The product produced by cold pressing is the most valuable since almost all useful substances from coconut remain in it. This method is used less often than the first since it allows to extract only 10% of all the oil present in the pulp of the nut. Such oil is more valuable and more expensive than that obtained by hot pressing. Coconut oil, stored at room temperature and below, has an unusual look for vegetable oils. It can be in the form of a thick whitish-cream liquid or small solid pieces, like soap. Liquid and transparent oil become when heated to 26 degrees and above.
Coconut Oil Benefits and Side Effects
Coconut oil is a natural remedy, accordingly almost no side effects and allergies. Pay attention to the composition of creams. Most of them contain coconut oil, but not in significant quantities. Despite the huge number of useful properties, contraindications, the product has almost no side effects. It should be abandoned only with individual intolerance.
Coconut oil for children is not harmful. There is evidence that it helps reduce the incidence of seizures in children suffering from epilepsy and improve the condition of autistic children. Outer for children, oil can be used to treat diaper rash, irritation and to remove itching after insect bites. In newborns, it will help painlessly eliminate coats on the scalp.
How much Coconut Oil can be consumed per day?
Coconut Oil should be eaten in moderation. In day you can eat no more than 2 tablespoons. Or you can use once a day on your hairs, skin, or in cooking.
What if the oil gets thick?
If your oil has thickened, this fact only confirms its naturalness (melting point +25 degrees Celsius). For the oil to melt, place the jar under a stream of warm water or store it in a warm place, for example in the bathroom.
If it is more convenient and more pleasant for you to use thickened coconut oil, then pour it into any favorite container from under the cream. Store in a cool place (less than +20 degrees) or in a refrigerator so you can use the oil as a cream.