31+ BEST Cardamom Health Benefits, According To A Nutritionist
Cardamom is an eastern spice representing the seeds of the perennial plant from the Ginger family. Cardamom is used to give a specific flavor and taste to bakery and confectionery, baked goods, desserts, as well as hot dishes and meat. In addition, cardamom is also used as a medicine.
Cardamom is a very concentrated and strong spice, so it is added to dishes only in small quantities. It has a refreshing taste, evocative of the taste of eucalyptus or lemon. Cardamom gives the food a pleasant slightly spicy and tart flavor. In Russia, cardamom is mainly added to cakes, gingerbread, and pies.
Spice is a seed, hidden in a small pod. Cardamom is used in cooking both in ground form and in the form of grains. Cardamom seeds have a whitish or greenish tinge. Greenish pods contain more essential oils than whitish, which makes them more aromatic and more saturated to taste.
What is Cardamom?
- 1 What is Cardamom?
- 2 Types of Cardamom
- 3 Cardamom Nutrition
- 4 Cardamom Health Benefits
- 5 Cardamom Benefits Weight loss
- 6 Cardamom Benefits for Heart Health
- 7 Cardamom Benefits for Men
- 8 Cardamom Benefits for Nervous System
- 9 Cardamom For Depression
- 10 Treatment of Gastrointestinal diseases
- 11 Cardamom benefits for Bronchopulmonary diseases
- 12 Cardamom Beauty Benefits
- 13 How To Use Cardamom In Cooking?
- 14 Cardamom Replacement
- 15 Cardamom Recipes
- 16 Cardamom Tea Benefits
- 17 Health Benefits of Cardamom Oil
- 18 Cardamom Side Effects
- 19 How To Store Cardamom?
- 20 Conclusion
Cardamom was called the King of Spices for its high cost and variety in the application. Cardamom is the fruit of a herbaceous plant that belongs to the ginger family. Seeds of cardamom have a delicate aroma and are highly valued spice. In the Indian market of spices is the second spice in the number of sales and exports of spices, after black pepper. Cardamom is not just a spicy fragrant seasoning. It has many useful properties known since antiquity. It has some contraindications which you need to know.
Types of Cardamom
There are black and green cardamoms.
• Green Grows in India and Malaysia, has a pronounced flavor. When choosing this spice, you need to ensure that its boxes are tightly closed, and the color does not begin to turn into yellow.
• Black Cardamom has a more delicate and mild odor. Black Cardamom is produced in tropical Asia and Australia on a large scale. It saturates the dish with its taste a bit better than green.
Both types of cardamom should be stored in a sealed package so that the essential oils do not evaporate from the grains.
Cardamom Nutrition
Cardamom contains essential and fatty oils. The proportion of essential oil in the season is about 8%, it gives it a sweet and spicy flavor. The composition of cardamom essential oil includes cineole, alpha-terpineol acetate, acetates, the sesquiterpene, and terpenic alcohols, as well as monoterpene hydrocarbons.
In addition to oils, the chemical composition of cardamom includes water, dietary fibers, phytosterols, ashes, minerals, and vitamins. Among the macro-elements present in cardamom can be identified iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. The group of trace elements in the spice includes calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium.
The vitamin composition of cardamom contains the vitamins of group B, among them B1, B2, B3, vitamin C, and PP. The calorie content of cardamom is 311 kcal per 100 g of product. The content of copper and iron is important for cellular energy metabolism, accelerating the formation of red blood cells. Potassium is effective for maintaining the cardiovascular system. Manganese increases the antioxidant defense of the body.
Cardamom Health Benefits
Cardamom has many useful properties, some of which are even used in medicine. Cardamom cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves peripheral circulation. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, helps burn fat, so it can be useful to people who are overweight. Cardamom has a beneficial and stimulating effect on the digestive system. This property helps in the treatment of bloating. The presence of cardamom in the dish helps to improve appetite. Another useful quality of cardamom is the help in the treatment of colds, relief of a sore throat and coughing.
Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to improve mood. The aroma of essential oil cardamom eliminates a headache, helps to relieve spasms and relax the body, so that cardamom is successfully used in aromatherapy. Cardamom allows you to cope with neuroses and stress, cheer up and keep warm. It helps to get rid of depression and apathy, works like an aphrodisiac. But cardamom should be used very carefully because this spice has contraindications.
• In the Middle Ages, cardamom was sold in pharmacies. The doctor made medicines from it by combining with other herbs. It was a very essential ingredient to prepare medicines.
• Cardamom is used to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. It also strengthens the musculature of the stomach, as a carminative. It is recommended for asthma and migraine, as an antiseptic. Cardamom accelerates metabolism, promote the elimination of toxins. It is an antioxidant that promotes rejuvenation.
• Cardamom helps to control cough, asthmatic spasms, and abdominal pain.
• Try rubbing several cardamom seeds in the palm of your hand – its scent will cheer you up. Cheer up relieve fatigue and headaches.
• In Ayurvedic medicines, cardamom is used as an essential ingredient. They believe that it weakens the burning sensation in the heart that is caused by the action of onions and garlic. It treats headache and other problems associated with digestion. According to the ancient science of health, Ayurveda, cardamom affects our body also on the psychophysical level. It greatly contributes to the activity and clarity of the mind, stimulates the work of the heart, gives a feeling of lightness, calmness, and well-being.
• In traditional Indian medicine, cardamom is being used for obesity and skin diseases.
• Tea with cardamom at night relieve anxiety and insomnia. Regular use of spices is useful for neuropsychic disorders.
• To treat diseases of the genitourinary tract, cardamom seeds are a proven remedy that can help eliminate infections and inflammatory processes.
• Essential oil from cardamom relieves depression, eliminates melancholy, lethargy, apathy, fears, headache. It is also used when urinating is delayed and to eliminate painful conditions before menstruation.
• Several seeds of cardamom can eliminate nausea and stop vomiting.
• According to recent studies by doctors, Cardamom is also an excellent tonic for the heart.
• If you chew the seed of cardamom, you can get rid of bad smell in your mouth and removes morning weakness and lethargy.
• Cardamom promotes the healing of pharyngitis, dryness in the throat, hoarseness, softens the throat at the critical stage of the flu.
• It is believed that eating 4-5 black cardamom seeds every day with a teaspoon of honey will improve your vision, strengthen the nervous system, prevent the ingestion of harmful microbes.
• Spice is also useful for the work of the digestive tract, it improves digestion, relieves constipation, acts as an antiseptic and helps to remove accumulated slag from the body.
• Cardamom improves the quality of sleep, promotes better tolerance of stress.
• Chewing spices freshens breath and helps to cope with stomatitis.
• A fragrant seasoning cardamom is also considered a good aphrodisiac. Many successfully use cardamom and for the treatment of infertility.
• Cardamom infusion can be used to wipe the face, it has the most optimal antiseptic properties and helps to get rid of acne.
Cardamom Benefits Weight loss
If you regularly add a few grains of cardamom and a little cinnamon to your morning tea or even coffee, you can quickly lower your blood glucose and speed up your metabolic processes. Those who do not have gastritis or ulcers can afford to add red pepper to cardamom and cinnamon. Such a tandem will be cleared of toxins. Cardamom is one of the most effective spices that help to fight overweight, cure even old-fashioned obesity and gives the excellent result in a short time. To achieve a visible effect, you just need to sprinkle these grains with the food that you take during the day.
Cardamom Benefits for Heart Health
Cardamom several times increases blood circulation and promotes saturation of heart tissues with necessary oxygen. With the regular inclusion in food spices, the risk of developing a heart attack and complications in the form of heart defects is reduced.
Cardamom Benefits for Men
Added to food, tea or other drinks, cardamom has a strong erotic effect on men, and cardamom oil increases sexual activity. Women in the East skillfully use these properties of cardamom and add to the diet of the husband such a quantity which is considered necessary.
Cardamom Benefits for Nervous System
Cardamom is very useful for the nervous system and vision. Its smell improves mood, relieves a headache, relieves fatigue and weakness, stimulates brain activity and tones up the whole body. Therefore, people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or are in a state of stress must necessarily use cardamom with food.
Cardamom For Depression
Those who suffer from depression and anxiety are probably subject to stress or strenuous relationships due to a situation in life. According to Ayurveda, tea with cardamom as a food under stress is the most effective and simple way to combat such situations and cases. This is a natural ingredient that will detoxify your body, rejuvenate the cells and will generally allow you to fight depression in your life.
Treatment of Gastrointestinal diseases
This spice is better than many others and harmonizes and stimulates the digestive tract and spleen. It can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from harmful poisons and toxins. In the composition of herbal medicine cardamom is used for various digestive disorders:
• Heaviness
• Flatulence
• Indigestion
• Binge eating
• Nausea and vomiting
• Constipation and Diarrhea
Cardamom benefits for Bronchopulmonary diseases
• The use of cardamom is a highly effective prophylaxis against germs and influenza, spice heals dryness in the throat, removes hoarseness.
• With pharyngitis, it is useful to gargle with a solution of cardamom and cinnamon, diluted in boiling water.
• It effectively neutralizes mucus, removes it from the lungs and spleen with asthma, bronchitis, colds or coughs.
• It cures excessive salivation.
• Cardamom acts as a good remedy for the treatment of angina. Seeds are soaked in hot water and can be used to rinse the throat. They cure pharyngitis, dry throat, hoarseness, and soften the throat.
• Cardamom is the best source to be used as a home remedy for asthma and other related problems.
Cardamom For Fresh breath
Cardamom is used in traditional Chinese medicine to fight against dental problems for many centuries and it has proven itself a perfect thing for this work. It improves the condition of the oral cavity, facilitates a toothache, freshens breath, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria. Having chewed seeds of cardamom, it is possible to get rid of a bad smell in a mouth, to remove morning weakness and lethargy. Cardamom essential oil is used as a popular ingredient in chewing gum.
Cardamom Beauty Benefits
Cardamom also contain so many beauty benefits. It is also being used in cosmetics for a long time. It has many essential properties to take care of your beauty.
Cardamom Benefits For Lips
On the off chance that you imagined that cardamom would just deal with your skin, you should need to review. The properties of the seeds of this plant won’t just give great skin yet additionally delicate, excellent and beautiful lips.
The basic oil is utilized in a few sorts of beautifying agents, which will make the lips smooth. You should simply purchase a lip lotion that contains cardamom. Furthermore, they ought not to be hard to discover because numerous salves and beautifying agents are utilizing this item.
Positive Effect of Cardamom on Hairs
To guarantee legitimate sustenance for the scalp, utilize cardamom. It is realized that it has cell reinforcement properties that will give the hair all the vital supplements. From the roots to the finishes of the hair, everything will be reinforced. Dampness in the hair will be saved, and you will never again have dry, dull and coarsened hair again. In addition to the fact that it is brilliant in the plant, it will likewise be delicate to the scalp on the off chance that it tingles and is loaded with dandruff. Its common properties will enable you to do this and renew your hair.
Cardamom Benefits and Mask for Skin
It contains the high content of vitamin C and manganese in the composition of the oil has a powerful antioxidant effect, removing toxins from the body. Getting rid of harmful free radicals positively affects the internal systems of the body and the skin condition. Antibacterial properties of cardamom oil are extremely effective in combating skin diseases. If you combine few drops of this oil with water, then it will also help your skin disinfection. Many women, having learned about the benefits of cardamom oil, themselves began to prepare it for masks on the face.
Pour into the container 3-4 tablespoon olive or sesame oil, add a few seeds of the plant, let it brew for 24 hours. This oil can be used as an independent mask against wrinkles and oily skin gloss.
Pay attention to the color. It is very light, transparent, only occasionally it retains an easy yellowish shade. The older the oil, the darker its color. The flavor of the seasoning is fully preserved in the finished air. The oil has a sweetish taste with a pronounced camphor base
How To Use Cardamom In Cooking?
In cooking, cardamom is used in beverages, hot dishes, confectionery, and bakery products. The dosage of cardamom in cooking depends on the dish and recipe. As a rule, cardamom is sold in pods or capsules, but in dishes, it is most often used in the ground form. Usually, before using the cardamom seed, they are removed from the pods and grind. As a rule, cardamom is added to the dishes before heat treatment or for some time before the end of cooking, depending on the recipe.
In general, 1 pod or a third of a teaspoon of ground cardamom is enough to make 1 kilogram of dough or minced meat. To prepare 1 liter of liquid dishes, add 1/2 a pod or 1/5 teaspoon of grated spice. But the approximate proportions, so when adding cardamom is better to follow the recipe of the dish, as it is a very strong seasoning.
Cardamom can be added to the following food:
• Marzipan, cookies, gingerbread, pies and cakes, christmas honey cakes with candied fruits and almonds.
• Ice cream and desserts.
• Oriental sweets.
• In marinades for herring.
• To dishes from fish, poultry, veal, lamb.
• For cooking pilaf, broth, and dishes from chopped meat.
• In drinks: coffee, mulled wine, grog, punch, compote, tea.
• Vegetarian soups, especially peas, as well as sauces, gravies, stewed vegetables, and vinaigrettes.
• Seeds of cardamom are a component of such spicy mixtures as curry.
• They are flavored with sausages, cheeses, tobacco to improve the taste and aroma of gravies and sauces.
Cardamom Replacement
Cardamom is a specific spice; therefore, it will not be possible to replace it with something without loss of taste. If you need to prepare a dish which recipe include cardamom, but you don’t have cardamom, then you can try to cook without it. The dish will get not so fragrant, but it can turn out quite tasty without cardamom. Replacing cardamom with other spices is not recommended, because they may not be combined with the main taste of the dish.
But if there is no cardamom, and you want to give some pleasant aroma to baking, you can try to replace cardamom with nutmeg or cinnamon. In very rare cases, cardamom can be replaced with ginger. But when replacing cardamom with another thing to achieve a good taste, it is worth considering that the dish may differ from the one which you make from cardamom.
Cardamom Recipes
The use of cardamom in flour products and sweet fillings is traditionally for European and Russian cuisines. They flavor the dough for pancakes, cookies, gingerbread, rugs, buns with raisins, sweet pies with poppy filling, puddings, etc. Cardamom is also used in custard and some Russian cocktails. Without cardamom, it is impossible to imagine oriental sweets. You can prepare almond tubules, baklava, sorghum, eggplant jam, green tomatoes, walnuts and more common fruits and berries with it. In India, spicy caramel and beetroot halva, sweet vermicelli cheeses, are some of the dishes in which cardamom is necessary.
1. Green Tea with spices
In a small thermos, brew half a teaspoon of dry cardamom and 1 tablespoon of green tea. Insist all night, and in the morning, diluting the infusion with boiled water, drink like regular tea. You should take it 25 minutes before eating.
Cardamom Tea Benefits
• Drink helps to effectively combat excess weight.
• With the regular use of tea with spice, the metabolism returns to normal.
• With this drink you can get rid of a toothache, it also improves memory and increases concentration.
• Tea removes fatigue, fills with energy and vivacity.
• With regular use of cardamom tea, prevention of such a dangerous pathology as cancer of the rectum is carried out.
• Drink with spiciness helps to get rid of nausea, it also facilitates vomiting.
• Tea simply raises the mood, improves appetite and increases immunity.
2. A drink to strengthen the immunity and losing weight
Mix 3 teaspoons of cardamom, ginger, and lime-colored grass. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and store with the lid closed. Brew a tablespoon and a half for 1 cup of boiling water. The drink can be taken in its pure form before meals, and you can dilute it with a little boiling water and throw a piece of lemon into the cup.
3. Summer cool drink with cardamom
One and a half liters of boiling water is needed – a bunch of mints, honey to taste, a teaspoon of cardamom and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon (the purchase will not work). All mixed and cooled. Such a refreshing drink perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather and will remove excess slag from the body.
4. Cardamom use for bloating and food poisoning
Cardamom, rock salt, and ginger are taken in an equal amount and crushed into powder. Use the mixture in a dose of 1-2 grams two or three times a day with warm water. This remedy calms the gases, bloating and food poisoning.
Health Benefits of Cardamom Oil
Cardamom Oil is easily available in the market and you can get many health benefits from this oil. Cardamom oil is endowed with completely unique characteristics. This product has carminative, antispasmodic, diuretic, disinfecting properties, it can also excite the human body. To take this oil doctors recommend if there are abnormalities of the digestive tract, as well as in the presence of psychosomatic diseases, nervous stress, and depression. Widely known are the cosmetological properties of oil from aromatic spices – it fights against acne, disinfects wounds, promotes the fastest skin regeneration.
• To raise the mood, with anger and depression, spray a few drops of oil in the room.
• To increase appetite, apply a massage of the stomach area with two drops of oil.
• To ease the symptoms of asthma, use daily breast massage and reflex points of the feet with two drops of oil, inhale the fragrance deeply, apply a small amount of oil under the nose.
• When bacterial infections appear on the skin, apply oil to the problem area several times a day.
• With bronchitis, use inhalation with a few drops of cardamom oil. When cooking, add a few drops of oil to flavor the food.
• When coughing, the massage of the chest and throat area, as well as the reflex points of the feet, using cardamom oil will significantly improve the condition.
• When diarrhea, apply a stomach massage counter-clockwise, with two drops of oil every 15 minutes.
• For allergic reactions and swelling, use a massage with 1-2 drops of cardamom essential oil in the problem area and the heart zone.
• Massage of energy zones and frequent inhalation of aroma will help to cope with anxiety conditions.
• Massage the lower abdomen with a few drops of oil will relieve the flatulence.
Cardamom Side Effects
• First and foremost – start applying cardamom in small doses and do not get carried away with spices unnecessarily.
• The second rule is to check whether there is an individual intolerance or an allergy to spice.
• You cannot add cardamom in diet of people who have gallbladder diseases: cholecystitis, stones in the bile ducts.
• Spice increases the secretory function of the stomach, so people suffering from diseases of the gastric mucosa, the spice can cause harm, cause pain syndrome with peptic ulcer and gastritis.
• Cardamom can harm people suffering from ulcerative diseases and problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach, as this is a very strong condiment.
• Cardamom is contraindicated in people with food allergies and with the increased sensitivity of the stomach to food.
• Contraindicated cardamom and people with an individual intolerance to this spice.
• It is not recommended to use cardamom often and in large quantities to pregnant and lactating women since it can adversely affect the child.
How To Store Cardamom?
Store cardamom better in a closed jar in a dark and cool place. In this case, it is desirable to store cardamom in the pods, so it retains its taste and aroma longer. When the storage conditions are fulfilled, the cardamom shelf life is about 2 years.
It can be easily recommended that you can use Cardamom with your daily food. You can add this ingredient in your different recipes to provide them beautiful aroma and taste. But it should be used in the quantity mention above because it has also contained some side effects for health.