Beauty Tips

HOW TO Get Rid Of Pimples OVERNIGHT! (BEST Acne Treatment)

Hi everyone ,in this article I’ am going to share home remedies for pimple and acne, best ACNE treatment at home and how to cure pimples.


Specifically, I’m going to show you BEST Home Remedies To get rid of ACNE & PIMPLES (Naturally).

Let’s Get Started…

Are you at war with pimples? We will help you to win this war with our extensive list of natural remedies and more, which can assist you to get rid of pimples overnight! We will also describe what causes pimples, their appearance on different parts of your body and all you should know about pimples!

Pimples also known as acne is actually skin inflammations or lesions which occur when bacteria infect your skin’s oil glands (sebaceous glands) and they get swollen.

Pimples are also called pustules or papules, zits & spots. The sebaceous glands are found throughout the skin, with the exception of your soles and palms and they secrete an oily or waxy substance known as sebum. The function of sebum is to assists in maintaining your skin’s oil balance and gives it a healthy appearance.

When any abnormality occurs in your sebaceous glands, pimples will develop.

The Cause of Pimples

There are a variety of reasons why pimples may develop. However, it is advisable to treat pimples quickly in preventing them to spread. Acne can leave skin-scarring which may be tough to remove, if you don’t treat it effectively. Herewith some reasons why pimples may develop:

1. Build up of Dead Skin Cells

Dead skin cells are discarded by your skin. Some of these dead skin cells then get stuck in the sebum, which lead to blocked pores. Such blocked pores result in pimples.

2. Teenage Pimples:

Pimples generally occur during adolescence and young girls and boys have to face it. With the physical changes inside the body as it prepares to reproduce, the oil glands react over actively. The sebum build-up which blocks the pores results in pimples.

3. Heredity:

Pimples on your face can be a genetic problem, whilst such pimples can reoccur throughout your lifetime. The explanation is that a large amount of sebum is produced which lead to the formation of pimples.

In heredity cases, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist because natural methods & home remedies may not deliver a permanent solution.

In serious pimple or acne cases, it might be necessary to use oral medicine for a specific period of time. However, procedures like microdermabrasion & chemical peels can be highly efficient as such procedures will not only diminish the occurrence of pimples, but will also decrease blemishes & acne spots.

4. Bacterial Growth:

The accumulated sebum behind the blocked pores is containing bacteria. Propionibacterium acne is a bacterium which grows slowly, whilst it naturally thrives in your skin. In the perfect conditions this bacterium will spread, whilst causing painful pimples.

This bacterium feeds on sebum, whilst producing a substance which results in an immune response, whilst causing skin inflammation too.

5. Hormonal Acne / Pimples:

If you are past your teenager years and think you are rid of pimples, think again! Adult acne or pimples are caused by a hormonal imbalance within your body. This is a rather general symptom of PMS, whilst it also occurs in the menopausal period.

6. High Glycemic Foods & Dairy Products:

According to a study by the New York University which was published in The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics it was may reported that consuming high glycemic foods such as sweet beverages and bakery products which have high sugar content trigger pimples.

Eating dairy products in excess is bad for your skin, although rich in calcium. These types of pimples can be treated by following a healthy diet.

7. Testosterone Sensitivity:

Some people who have a skin which is susceptible to pimples generally have sensitivity to testosterone, which is a natural hormone within males and females.

Testosterone causes an over secretion of sebum in these people. This in turn results in the blockage of pores, which is sometimes worsen when dead skin cells may get stuck.

8. Medication:

Some medications which contains androgens and epilepsy medication can cause pimples.

9. Oily Food:

This is the major reason for the forming of pimples nowadays. Consuming an excess of processed & fried food, triggers the sebaceous glands to produce sebum, this in turn results in blackheads, pimples & breakouts.

10. Non Removal of Makeup:

Oil-based makeup products can trigger pimples. Use water-based makeup if you can, whilst avoiding applying heavy makeup. Try to use natural products because chemicals can also trigger an acne breakout.

11. Skincare Products:

When you are using your favourite skincare products, it is easy to forget that these products can also trigger blackheads & pimples. Never use products which are unsuitable for your skin type.

Avoid switching between products too often as this can cause damage to your skin. New ingredients present in such products may cause irritation of your skin, which can result in breakouts and pimples.

12. Stress

Stress is a principal cause of pimples. During stress the functioning of your body changes and can lead to the triggering of pimples. Stress doesn’t just cause pimples, but releases inflammatory chemicals known as neuropeptides, which aggravates the issue.

13. Travelling:

When you are travelling to other distant destinations, the environment change, which includes factors such as temperature, weather, water, humidity and more, can result in a breakout of pimples.

14. Friction:

Continuously picking at pimples or rubbing your skin can worsen pimples. Even the pressure set in motion by helmets, bags, scarves or tight collars can intensify acne.

Who Are Affected By Acne?

People of all ages and races develop acne. However, acne is most usual in teenagers as well as young adults. Approximately 80% of people between the ages 11 – 30 will be affected. Some older people in their 40’s & 50’s are affected too.

Types Of Acne / Pimples

There are different kinds of pimples not only those red and inflamed ones which can be seen on your skin. Some pimples, filled with puss are painful, whilst they can prevail for quite a period of time. With knowledge regarding the various types of pimples, you will be able to treat them effectively.

1. Blackheads

They are caused as the contents of the pores are forced out. They are not undoubtedly caused by dirt, but blackheads can also occur due to bacteria as well as dead skin cells which are building up.

2. White-heads:

They are white spots which generally occur in an oily skin.

3. Pustules or Nodules:

It can happen that the tissues surrounding clogged pores can be infected which result in inflammation. Such an inflamed area is hard and filled with puss.

4. Cysts:

Cysts are deep pimples, filled with puss. Read on to learn how to get rid of pimples at home.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally

There are quite a lot of procedures of how to get rid of pimples home remedies. Below are some of these home remedies of how to get rid of pimples.

1. Toothpaste Remedy: How to Get Rid of Pimples with Toothpaste


 A Cotton swab
 Toothpaste


Use the toothpaste just as it is.


Apply a lavish layer of toothpaste with the cotton swab on the pimple.

Why is it effective?

The toothpaste has a drying effect on the pimples, whilst it is reducing their healing time. It has antibacterial qualities which play a crucial role in eradicating the bacteria which is the cause of pimples. Use this remedy for pimples on your face as well as those on arms or legs.

Leave on the toothpaste during the night. This remedy is suitable for normal, oily & combination skin. It is advisable to use the white toothpaste and avoid the gel-based one.

2. Castor Oil Remedy


 Washcloth
 Castor oil
 Water


Apply the castor oil directly on your skin


 Clean the affected skin and then pat it dry
 Take drops of castor oil and massage it on the skin for 2-3 minutes.

Why is it Effective?

Whilst castor oil is cleaning your skin, it pulls out the impurities, dirt and bacteria. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which is conditioning the skin, whilst making it healthier and softer. This oil can also be used effectively for cystic acne.

Leave the oil for approximately one hour, after which you wipe it off using a wet washcloth. This procedure must be repeated twice daily. This oil is suitable for dry and normal skin. Before applying the castor oil, do a patch test on your upper forearm, before using it on your face.

3. Argan Oil


 Argan oil – 2 to 3 drops


Use the Argan oil directly on your skin.


Use a gentle cleanser for cleaning your face and afterwards dab it dry. Then apply the argan oil randomly on your face and massage it into your skin with upward circular movements for some minutes.

Why is it Effective?

The skin easily absorbs the argan oil, whilst regulating the excess sebum. This oil does not just heal the current acne on your body or face, but prevents future breakouts. The vitamin E and antioxidants within argan oil are responsible for such qualities.

Leave the oil on your skin for a few hours, before you reapply it. Apply argan oil in the morning and again before bed time. The oil is suitable for dry and normal skin.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy


 One part of apple cider vinegar
 One part of water
 A cotton ball


Mix the water & apple cider vinegar effectively.


Apply the vinegar-mixture on your skin’s affected area using the cotton ball. Leave this on for a couple of minutes and then rinse it away with cool water.

Why is it Effective?

Apple cider vinegar has moderate acids which control the skin’s oil production, whilst acting as an astringent, and has an antimicrobial quality which keeps the skin bacteria-free.

Leave the applied vinegar-mixture on your skin for approximately 5 – 7 minutes. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis.

For sensitive skin it is advisable to use a 3:1 ration of apple cider vinegar and water. This remedy is suitable for all skin types.

5. Epsom Salt Remedy


 ½ cup of water
 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt
 A cotton ball


Mix the Epsom salt and water well.


Use the salt water to soak the cotton ball and pat it on your skin’s affected area.

Why is it Effective?

It exfoliates the skin’s dead cells, whilst killing the bacteria. Furthermore, it balances the skin’s PH levels. This remedy can be used for the persisting acne on your back or buttocks.

Leave the Epsom salt-water on your skin for a few minutes. Rinse it away with warm water and follow up by rinsing with cool water. This procedure can be followed once or twice on a daily basis.

Keep in mind that Epsom salt can dehydrate your skin. Apply a light moisturizer at a later stage. This remedy is suitable for combination, normal and oily skin.

6. Baking Soda Remedy


 Water
 1 teaspoon of baking soda


Mix the baking soda with water to create a smooth paste.


Apply the paste on the pimple, using your fingers.

Why is it Effective?

Baking soda will dry out the pimple, whilst bringing the PH of your skin to an optimal level.

Leave this paste on for approximately 5 minutes and rinse using warm water.

Do not leave this paste on for a longer period because it might cause dry skin. Remember to use a moisturizer afterwards. This remedy can be used for all the skin types.

7. Coconut Oil Remedy


A couple of coconut oil drops.


Warm up the oil lightly.


Use your fingertips to apply the warm oil on the skin’s affected area and massage it into the skin with circular movements.

Why is it Effective?

Coconut oil, an emollient will hydrate your skin to maintain its suppleness. It has antibacterial qualities and is used as an ingredient in lotions & moisturizers. The antioxidants within coconut oil will heal your skin, whilst helping to regenerate new skin cells. This coconut oil remedy is suitable for everyone, whether you are a teenager or an adult struggling with acne because of hormonal changes.

Leave it on for some hours and reapply it twice on a daily basis. However, it is safe to use coconut oil for people irregardless of age. All skin types can use this remedy.

8. Milk of Magnesia Remedy


The liquid form of Milk of Magnesia


You can apply it directly to your skin.


Use the milk of magnesia to spread a thin layer over the pimple and leave to dry.

Why is it Effective?

Milk of magnesia will not only disinfect the affected area, but will also extract the excess oil from your skin.

Leave the milk of magnesia on for about 30 – 40 minutes, whilst you can keep it on overnight too. However, don’t use the milk of magnesia for too long because it can dry out your skin. All skin types can use this remedy.

9. Honey Remedy


Just raw honey.


Put drops of the raw hone onto your fingertips.


Spread the honey over the pimple area; leave it to dry.

Why is it Effective?

Honey is a miracle mask for acne, whilst it removes the pimples easily. Honey is a natural antibiotic and eliminates the pimple-causing bacteria. With its hydrating qualities it also keeps your skin healthy.

Leave the honey to dry for approximately 30 – 40 minutes and rinse away with water later. Honey can be used by all people, regardless of age and is good for all types of skin.

10. Essential Oils Remedy

There are a lot of essential oil remedies, but for the purpose of this article we will discuss 5 of them.

 Peppermint Essential Oil Remedy:


 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
 A few peppermint oil drops


Mix the vitamin E oil and peppermint oil.


Apply the oil-mixture on the pimple so that the skin can absorb it.

Why is it Effective?

Whilst it is diminishing the swelling and redness it is acting as an astringent. The oils have antimicrobial qualities which clear the infection which causes the pimples. This oil-mixture can be used to treat your whole face, such as your forehead or cheeks when affected by acne.

Leave on the oil for a couple of hours and reapply. Prior to using any essential oil, do a patch-test, particularly if your skin is sensitive. This remedy can be used by all skin types.

 Lemon Essential Oil Remedy


 3 drops of lemon essential oil
 A cotton ball


You don’t need to dilute lemon oil and it will be used topically on small areas of skin.


First clean the affected area after which you pat it dry. Take the cotton ball and place the drops of oil on it; then apply directly on the affected area.

Why is it Effective?

Lemon oil is used as an antimicrobial agent, whilst it is also protecting your skin against free radical damage. You can use lemon essential oil anywhere on your body, excluding your private parts.

After applying the oil, leave it on your affected areas. However, you have to reapply it a few times throughout the day & before bed time.

If your skin is sensitive, first do a patch-test before using any essential oil. All skin types can use it.

 Grapeseed Oil Remedy


A couple of grapeseed oil drops


Apply grapeseed oil directly to the affected area without dilution.


Apply the grapeseed oil on a dry and clean face; massage it into the affected area for a couple of minutes.

Why is it Effective?

Grapeseed has a rich content of polyphenols; they are antioxidants which help in the maintenance of healthy skin. Grapeseed oil is light on your skin, whilst balancing natural oils. It is also acting as a toner for the skin, whilst preventing the outbreak of acne on your face. It contains antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory qualities.

Leave on the oil overnight, whilst you can use it during day time too. Before using any essential oil, first do a patch-test specifically if your skin is sensitive. This essential oil remedy is good for an oily skin.

 Tea Tree Essential Oil


 Use 1 – 2 drops  tea tree oil
 se 1 teaspoon of jojoba or olive oil


Mix the tea tree oil in your carrier oil


Apply some drops of the oil-mixture over the affected area & leave it on.

Why is it Effective?

The most generally used essential oil for treating acne, is tea tree oil, especially for pimples which appear on the cheeks, forehead, chin or above your lip. However, it is a potent & versatile antimicrobial agent, containing a high level of antioxidants, which make it an ideal essential oil to treat acne.

Use this remedy for treating cystic pimples too, whilst it decreases acne spots.

You can reapply this oil every couple of hours until the acne is clearing up. Always do a patch-test prior to using any type of essential oil, particularly if your skin is sensitive.  Use this remedy for all types of skin.

 Primrose Oil Remedy


Soft gels / capsules which contain evening primrose oil.


Open a capsule to use the oil inside.


Apply the oil over your affected area; then leave it overnight. The next morning you can use a mild cleanser to rinse it away, whilst consuming one capsule daily.

Why is it Effective?

Evening primrose oil contains omega 6 fatty-acids for the maintenance of your skin’s elasticity, hydration & smoothness, whilst it is an antibacterial agent too. However, this home remedy is very effective for the treatment of hormonal, adult & cystic acne.

Leave on the oil during the night, whilst repeating this each night. As with other essential oils, always do a patch-test prior to using it, particularly if your skin is sensitive. Use this remedy for all types of skin.

For more essential oils to use,

More Essential Oils To Get Rid of Pimples Fast:

 Frankincense
 Lemongrass
 Lavender

Other Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples Overnight at Home

 Vaseline
 Fish oil
 Garlic
 Ice
 Aspirin
 Listerine
 Hydrogen Peroxide
 Aloe Vera
 Cinnamon and Honey
 Rubbing alcohol
 Egg whites
 Turmeric
 Eye drops
 Green tea
 Olive oil
 Multani Mitti
 Salt water
 Coconut water
 Juice
 Heat
 Yoghurt
 Glycerine
 Rice Water
 Neem
 Rose water
 Jojoba oil
 Milk

Watch MORE: How I Got Rid of My Acne (One Easy Step!)

How To Get Rid Of Pimples In One Week

Below we will give you some tips of how to get rid of pimples in one week, which will include an approach of trying multiple methods.

1. Change Your Diet:

Carbs and dairy products may trigger acne. Avoid sugars and processed flours, whilst you can curb breakouts by choosing fruits, veggies & whole wheat’s. Avoid eating chocolate, although further research has to be done to prove the link between acne & chocolate.

2. Avoid worsening the problem

Picking at your pimples will make them worse, whilst stressing about your acne can also worsen the situation. Wash your acne in a gentle manner, using an acne cleanser or a mild soap twice a day.

Start to use oil free makeup products. Try water- or mineral-based makeup, whilst avoiding heavy oily sunscreens and opt for an oil-free and natural type of sunscreen. Choose salon shampoos & conditioners which are better than those you buy at a department store.

3. Over the Counter medicines

Look for over-the-counter medication containing:

 Benzoyl peroxide
 Sulphur
 Salicylic acid
 Glycolic & lactic acid also called alpha hydroxy acids

4. Try Natural Treatments

 Creams which contain bovine cartilage
 Use aloe Vera
 Green tea extract
 Essential oils
 Diluted peppermint or spearmint
 Look at thyme, calendula & lavender
 Oregano & rosemary


How To Get Rid of Pimples On Face

Here are some natural methods to get rid of pimples on face.

Spot treat with essential oils, such as:

 Rosemary
 Lemongrass
 Clove-basil oil
 Frankincense
 Lavender
 Cinnamon
 Rosemary
 Rose
 clove

See our essential remedy oil discussion above for the other essential oils which we had discussed.

 The application of Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which assist to reduce inflammation, whilst fighting bacteria. Application to the skin showed to be successful in reducing pimples significantly.


– Soak green tea for 3 to 4 minutes in boiling water
– Let the tea cool off
– Use a cotton ball or spray it on your face with a spray bottle
– Leave on the tea for 10 minutes or opt to leave it overnight
– Rinse it away with water
– Apply the tea 1 to 2 times daily or as required. You can store it for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

 Moisturize using Aloe Vera

The leaves of Aloe Vera, which is a tropical plant, provide a clear gel. With the application of aloe Vera to the skin, results showed that it assist in fighting bacteria, reducing inflammation, whilst promoting wound healing.


You can apply the gel to your skin simultaneously with other acne treatments. Try to mix the aloe Vera with another treatment and apply to the skin. Or you may opt to first apply your other acne treatment and then the aloe gel on top. Use this 1 to 2 times daily or as needed. When you purchase Aloe Vera gel, ensure that it’s pure with no added ingredients.

 Acne Remedies for longer-term use

The under-mentioned remedies might not clear up pimples quickly, but they can assist to prevent, whilst healing acne over time:

 Use a zinc supplement
 Consuming  a supplement containing fish oil
 Consuming brewer’s yeast.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples on Forehead

Red bumps and pimples on the forehead are in general caused by sebum. You can combine home remedies and over the counter medicine, together with proper skin care to clear it up by yourself. Below are the best remedies of how to get rid of pimples on forehead:

 Egg whites
 Essential oils
 Apple cider vinegar
 Steaming
 Lemon juice
 Garlic
 Yoghurt or milk
 Baking soda
 Coriander paste
 Over the counter medicines

We advise you to browse the Internet for the detailed information about above-mentioned remedies.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Chin

The acne which breaks out on your chin is generally solid bumps which are not filled with puss. Your chin area is prone to acne as it forms part of your oily T-zone. There is not really one particular reason for explaining what cause chin acne. However, chin acne can be caused by various factors such as:

 Stress
 Bad sleeping habits
 Medicine
 Hormonal levels

Best treatments for how to get rid of pimples on chin

 Lemon
 Ice
 Tea tree oil
 Steam
 Toothpaste
 Apple cider vinegar
 Garlic
 Papaya
 Cinnamon
 Strawberries
 Orange peel
 Mint leaves
 Sugar

Over the Counter Medicines

 Containing Benzoyl Peroxide
 Retin-A
 Sulphur
 Azelaic Acid

Prescribed Medicines

 Birth control pills
 Oral antibiotics like erythromycin, trimethroprim, cotrimoxazole, Clindamycin
 Isotretinoin, a form of Vitamin-A

How to Get Rid of Pimples On Nose

Annoying nose pimples can be caused by two conditions, known as acne vulgaris and acne rosacea. Sometimes an individual may have both of the above-mentioned types of acne.

Acne Vulgaris

Having acne vulgaris is associated with the following conditions:

 Blackheads
 Whiteheads
 Cysts
 Bums filled with puss
 Postules

Acne vulgaris may lead to inflammatory & non-inflammatory reactions. Different treatments are needed by these reactions.

Best treatments to get rid of pimples on nose

Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris (nodes & cysts)

 Reduce swelling by applying ice
 Pimple swabs & patches
 To extract oil, use a wet, warm washcloth
 Over the counter creams, with benzoyl perioxide
 Medicinal facial cleaners

Non-inflammatory Acne Vulgaris

Often this can more easily be treated by over the counter medication which contains salicylic acid which helps with the removal of excess oil & dead skin cells. Products can include:

 Ointments
 Creams
 Scrubs
 Cleaners
 Toners

Acne Rosacea

Acnea rosacea is not linked to acne types, whilst it is a sub-type of rosacea and is distinguished by swollen, red, or infected skin. Often it starts on the nose, whilst it may spread to adjacent areas, like the cheeks. Many times the nose will appear enlarged.

There are no home remedies or over the counter products. Your doctor will prescribe medicines like:

 Antibiotics for treating inflammatory acne
 Brimonidine for reducing the swelling & redness.
 Azelaic acid
 Metronidazole acid
 Isotretinoin

Alternative therapies like:

 Massage
 Dermabrasion
 Laser therapy
 Microdermabrasion
 Meditation

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Your Butt

The acne appearing on your butt is highly likely being caused by folliculitis. This condition occurs in cases where bacteria get inside the hair follicles. These may be painful and itchy.

Best Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples on Your Butt

 Use a lactic acid lotion
 Use a treatment or body wash which fights acne
 Use a hot towel to sit on
 Moisturize the butt area with coconut- or tea tree oil
 Use acne-fighting homemade masks

How To Prevent Butt Acne

 Moisturize
 Shower
 Wear loose clothing
 Treat acne never pop it
 Get out of your gym clothes after your workout
 Gently exfoliate
 Don’t sit, stand
 Drink more water
 Develop a good skin regimen

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Legs

Pimples can appear on your legs as red or white bumps, which can be painful or itchy. Sometimes they result in a pink-red rash affecting nearby skin and can even produce puss. It can make an individual feel uncomfortable to expose their legs.

Best Home Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples on Legs:

 Apple cider vinegar
 Baking soda
 Sugar & sour cream
 Milk
 Oatmeal bath
 Coconut oil
 Lotions & creams like Vaseline, Lubriderm and more
 Tea tree oil
 Olive oil
 Aloe Vera
 Lemons
 Vitamin A capsules
 Soap
 Follow a diet rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Back

You can develop pimples in every region where the oil glands are located throughout your body. Pimples can form on your back too as an excess of sebum as well as dead skin cells can build up, which can clog the pores.

The Best Treatment To Get Rid of Pimples on Back:

 Exfoliate
 Shower after your workout
 Use tea tree oil
 Choose your sunscreen with care; opt for oil-free sunscreen
 Don’t wear tight clothes; opt for loose-fitting clothing
 Follow a healthy diet; include fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains
 Tie your hair away from your back

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Lip

The basic theory for developing a pimple is that a hair follicle becomes clogged with impurities. These impurities in turn become a breeding place for bacteria which result in pimples.

Pimples on your lip line occur when tiny hair follicles become clogged & infected which cause a pimple.

Best Treatment for How to Get Rid of Pimples on Lip:

 Castor oil
 Cold or hot compress
 Lemon juice
 Honey
 Turmeric paste
 Tea tree oil – diluted
 Tomato
 Toothpaste
 Benzoyl peroxide

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Chest

When you are more likely to develop acne due to risk factors like oily skin or hormones, it is possible to develop blemishes on any area of your body, which include your chest.

Although chest pimples are not as visible compared to ace on your face, it can be annoying.

Amazing Treatment To Get Rid of Pimples on Chest:

 Shower on a regular basis
 Exfoliate one in a week
 Use a body wash which fights acne
  Try spot treatments using over the counter products; opt for products which contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid
 Home remedies like tea tree oil; charcoal or mud; cinnamon & honey
 Stay hydrated by consuming enough water
 Wear breathable & loose fabrics
 Try another laundry detergent
 Use a body lotion which don’t clog pores (non-comedogenic)

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Scalp

All pimples are caused by clogged hair follicles or pores. This clogging generally happens when bacteria, dead skin cells, or excess sebum of your skin get into the pores. The micro-organisms which are responsible for causing pimples & inflammation include:

 Fungus
 Staphylocossus epidermidis
 Mites
 Propionibacterium acnes

Other factors which may cause the clogging of your scalp pores and result in pimples include:

 Poor scalp hygiene or not washing hair on a regular basis
 Some shampoos & other hair products lead to build-up
 Wearing a helmet, hat or more equipment causing friction
 Waiting too long or not washing hair after your workout

Best Treatment To Get Rid of Pimples on Scalp

 Coconut oil
 Apple cider vinegar
 Tea tree oil
 Aloe Vera
 Baking Soda
 Neem leaves
 Garlic
 Fenugreek
 Jojoba oil
 Lemon juice
 Yoghurt
 Vitamins

How To Get Rid Of Pimples In Ear

Pimples on your ear can occur behind the ear, any part of the exterior of your ear as well as inside the ear canal. Pimples in the ear also develop due to an excess of sebum secreted from the oil glands of your skin. The ear pimples, also known as ear bumps or ear zits are called sebaceous cysts in medical terms.

Natural Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples in Ear:

 Hot compress
 Basil
 Garlic
 Tea tree oil
 Apple cider vinegar
 Olive oil
 Onion
 Black tea


 Hydrogen peroxide
 Neosporin
 Rubbing alcohol
 Oil-free cleanser
 Acne cream
 Witch  Hazel

BEST Pimple Treatment

Contradictory to marketing promises of acne treatments which can deliver instant results; it is indeed not true and annoying to somebody suffering from a breakout.

For the best pimple treatments a program of products will be included to tackle all the root causes of pimples.

How the Best Pimple Treatment Were Chosen

Regimen Sets

A study conducted on acne vulgaris during 2013, published in The Nurse Practitioner accepted that a multifaceted approach to pimples is generally required due to the fact that the majority of individuals have a fusion of symptoms.

Based upon the advice & input of aestheticians & dermatologists the focus was turned to regimen sets; the ingredients of 40 plus kits were analyzed before the top picks were found.

The Aesthetician Jessica Fitz Patrick, Rodan and Fields Consultant stated that she recommend pimple kits due to the fact that sticking to a single product line, with other products which are created to interact effectively with one another, will deliver the most efficient results.

A Minimum of Two Active Ingredients

There are two heavy-hitters which take pimples down, whilst they are both effective doing completely different things.

Salicylic Acid:

Salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy-acid, which comes from the bark of the willow tree, primarily acts as an exfoliator, whilst it is breaking down sebum which is a fatty acid to prevent the clogging or your pores.

However, glycolic acid works in a similar way, but is not as effective as salicylic acid. These acids work on blackheads, whiteheads as well as bumps which are not red.

Benzoyl Peroxide:

Benzoyl peroxide tackles the bacteria of P.acnes. A principal side effect of benzoyl peroxide is dryness. Should you use benzoyl peroxide, remember to moisturize afterwards. Less severe & less common alternatives for benzoyl peroxide are acelaic and sulphur acid.

According to assistant-professor Dr Peter Lio of clinical dermatology of the North-western University, treatments which are sulphur-based will be good for patients who are unable to tolerate benzoyl peroxide’s side effects.

According to The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, salicylic acid & benzoyl peroxide are the most standard acne ingredients, whilst they are efficient in double blind studies conducted on patients who suffer from mild to averagely severe acne.

Kits were studied which included a minimum of one ingredient which targeted each camp: the pimples & comedones.

No Spot Treatments

Spot treatments are created to give problematic pimples a super dosage concentrated benzoyl peroxide; in a few regimens, such as the Proactiv Teen Kit, its spot treatment almost had three times the quantity of benzoyl peroxide in comparison with its all-over treatment.

What is the logic? Benzoyl peroxide, in high concentrations, can irritate the skin, but when its intensity is limited to only the pimple itself, the rest of the healthy skin can be saved.

Targeted breakout-cream treatments, with its side effects are often not worth it. Dr Lawrence Green, assistant clinical professor: dermatology at the George Washington University, and board certified dermatologist said: “So many products instruct consumers to use benzoyl peroxide spot treat red bumps and pustules. I don’t recommend it.”

Intense benzoyl peroxide concentrations cause more inflammation & irritation to an already sensitive skin, whilst taking this into consideration, kits which included spot treatments, were rejected.

Good Alcohols Opposed to Bad Alcohols

Simple alcohols such as SD alcohol, isopropyl & denatured alcohol are all over in pimple treatment due to the fact that they actually are tricking you to think that they work; Spray some on your face and observe how any oil will instantly evaporates.

However, the skin’s barrier, known as the acid mantle, is destroyed by these ingredients. With a damaged acid mantle, you will be more vulnerable to enlarged pores, breakouts & inflammation. Vaporizing all the oil from your face can accelerate the functioning of your sebaceous glands, which will leave your skin in an oilier condition than ever before.

Where any product had simple alcohol in its list of ingredients, high up, the entire kit was rejected.

However, there are good alcohols available too, which they were looking for. These good alcohols are also known as fatty alcohols and they are preceded by cetearyl, cetyl or behenyl which are coming from oils and in fact provide moisture. Products containing good alcohols scored additional points!


Pimples or Acne is a condition that will strike at almost every individual, at one or other time. Surely, there are so many remedies available out there and it will depend on which type of acne you have, which remedy will be the perfect one for you.

It is advisable to follow a healthy skin regimen which can help you against an outbreak. However, when you are suffering form severe acne, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a doctor.

Highly Recommended For You:】

Anyone who seeks the truth about acne and its natural internal balance and who is willing and willing to make some efforts and make the necessary changes to get rid of acne, will find that Acne No More is one of the best investments that He has done in his life. Click here for more information about Acne No More by Mike Walden.


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